Absence Update

Over the past week I’ve been taking a slight break as I recently got two pet rats and they have destroyed my hopes of sleeping. What I have managed to do though has cheered me greatly.

Those Who Play
After another round of playtesting I’ve managed to get the system working and now it seems that the core systems are solid enough to start working on polishing.

Big Badass Barbarians The Board Game
Using the Art Academy program on the Wii U I’ve managed to start drawing up card designs. I’ve also decided to simplify the stats to Strength, Toughness and Badassitude.
I will have to find an artist to help me at a later point but right now BBB is just a fun project.

Oculus Rift Game
This has been left at the side while I work on Those Who Play as I need to practice on my 3D modelling skills and coding skills.

Over the next two weeks I’ll be attending 2 48 Hour Game Jams (24th – 26th January and 31st – 2nd February)
I will be covering my own endeavours on this blog and, if I get time, interviewing some other teams for an article that will be posted on www.criticalindiegamer.com 

Well that’s my lot for just now and I apologise for not updating more often, I will try to rectify that.

Gameturbation (solo game jam)

In less than an hour I’ll be starting my 48 hour project. The project itself will be a 2D arcade style game called Cloud Cover (Stay tuned to learn more) and will be made and released on here by 12 pm GMT Monday.

To make the game I will be using Paint.net for all graphical work. Visual studio 2010 (C#) for the programming.

See you all in an hour.