Scottish Game Jam Update #3

I came second in the Nidhogg tournament and won a signed Helghast Helmet!
Morale + 50

So the first level of the game was created and the basic scripting has been included.

Craig is learning UDK in order to help out and speed up the process.

Fraser is trying to get the AI working but has to use my computer to do it as the level relies on alot of materials, meshes and code he doesn’t have.

Shaun is converting the sound files to .wav to be implemented into UDK and recording the final pieces for the game.

I’ll upload a small video of the game at 10pm for you to see what we’ve done so far.

So far we’ve managed to get the player sitting in the car with the camera at their head, pity its not quite our car yet though….
We’ve also got most of the music and voice acting done.
Now its just time to implement the AI, music and voice acting, Rail Shooter, Co-op, Four more levels.

We have a fun 21 hours ahead of us.