Recap on Gamehack

(I slept for 18 hours, so yeah, go me. Also my computer broke for a while. This is the earliest I’ve had to write this)

So the gamehack at Dundee went terribly for us as a team as we encountered a bug that defied all coding logic and, collectively, cost us seven hours and all of our patience. 
This led to the team’s only programmer going to bed for the rest of the jam and the rest of us racking our brains over it. 

It was a disappointment to say the least and a major kick to the motivation to be honest. After two attempts at this game I’m not going to come back to it until some time in the future when I can have forgotten about this.

Positive note from the experience though. I have felt the experience of crunch time in relation to working in a group. So it has been a great insight into the future and I can be more prepared now.

And after two days I can say honestly that is has galvanised me to try harder and to get better at all aspects of games design. Because after Saturday night, I don’t want to ever be in a situation like that again.


(We left the game as a cloud simulator).

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Who Lives On A Comment Under The Sea!