Scottish Game Jam Update #5

So the judges came round just in time for us to get the game up and running with the Oculus Rift and Xbox controller. Unfortunately though, the AI decided to be a dick and only spawn one guy instead of twenty. A lackluster experience but they seemed to enjoy the headtracking with the turret and the environment we had made.

With the lack of music and voice acting in-game I can say I’m disappointed but proud of what we have accomplished. We managed to show them an example of the music and voice acting which they enjoyed.

The final game turned out to be very different to our original idea.

Spotlight use to see road and enemies
Driver / Railshooter

Single Player
Vehicular combat
2120’s (We couldn’t import models properly so we were forced to use UDK assets)

Though it wasn’t what we had expected to make I’m happy with what we have accomplished and it provides a solid basis for driving games that we might make in the future.

Thanks to all those who I worked with, lets not do this again for a long while…

The Jam has been an awesome, stressful, funny and terrible time all at once and even if we don’t win anything. I’m glad I took part… Also I won a signed Helghast Helmet so that has soothed me over.


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Who Lives On A Comment Under The Sea!