Those Who Play – Fantasy Question

I’m working on the races for the Those Who Play fantasy supplement and it occurred to me that whilst I am creating different versions of the typical elves and dwarves, I am loathe to remove them completely.

Does anyone else ever feel like this when writing fantasy or am I just unimaginative?

Festive Absence and New Years Resolutions

So with the festive period over and my schedule back to being empty, its time for me to update you all on what I’ve been up to and what I’ve got planned. Lucky you.

Over the festive period I was very busy celebrating Yule and Christmas as only my girlfriend and I celebrate the former in our circles. So with those and New Years, I’ve been busy, especially so with the Oculus Rift as everyone who has visited has either wanted shown or forced to try it. This means that I’ve got a large group of very different people to give me their opinions on both it and the three games I posted in my previous post about the Oculus Rift.

They all liked it, even some people with motion sickness were able to put up with it. This has made me very hopeful about the future of the Oculus Rift as I was nervous that I had bought into something that had none. With my fears found to be nothing more than my own tight pocket crossed with a motion sickness that is getting less and less with each session, I’ve decided to start working on developing with the Oculus Rift in mind.

Oculus Rift Game

With help from my friend Fraser Gillespie ( to create an interactive environment inspired by Studio Ghibli’s My Neighbour Totoro. The environment will be, hopefully, similarly styled to the anime. We are aiming to create something that player’s can get immersed and lost in.
More on that later though, once we’ve worked out exactly what we need and both get back on track.

Those Who Play

After the last bout of playtesting we found out that a d10 is just not good enough, unfortunately we haven’t had another playtest since then and I’ve just managed to buy enough dice for a decent dice pool test. Hopefully one of these systems works out well and I can continue with setting books unhindered, but for now, it lays dormant until I can rope some playtesters in.

New Years Resolution

So with the new year here I’ve decided to kick myself into gear even harder than before and try and finish my existing projects before starting anything new.

Those Who Play – Pen and Paper RPG System
Atheist God – Novel
Big Badass Barbarians – Board Game
Forest For Oculus – Video Game

Happy New Year!

Those Who Play Christmas Update!

Those Who Play has hit a little dip whilst I wait for the artists to clear up their schedules and fight against my own. Also, creating an item list for modern day weaponry is very, very boring, so if that part feels lackluster, you know why.

Apart from that, not much to update. I’ll try and have more for you all soon.

Those Who Play (Initial Unfinished Draft)

I promised I would upload this weekend and though I haven’t had a chance to playtest it or finish the item lists, I have included a media fire link to the current version.

The basics are in place and you should be able to think of what items fit your setting easily enough (If in doubt, Google!)

Up next on the To Do list is to finish some basic item lists, write up some spells then include three setting supplements. One fantasy, one modern and one futuristic. Each with their own subtle nuances that show off different aspects of the systems.

Then, once its been playtested to perfection, I’ll commission some art and put Those Who Play in my portfolio.

Here is the link to the mediafire folder to download:
