Top 25 of All Time

Fraser ( and myself decided to list our Top 25 Games of All Time. So this is my

Top 25 Games.

25 – Army Men Sarge’s Heroes (Third Person Shooter PS1)

This game was amazing, just picture it; You’re a young child, playing with your army men toys when suddenly, something arrives that lets you see their world. Also after playing Army Men RTS, I had fallen in love with the characters and loved playing as Sarge.

24 – Guns of Icarus Online (First Person Shooter PC)

The only co-operative airship combat game that I’ve played and therefore the best one. An insanely fun game to play if you have a team of players who roleplay, even more so if you all put on phoney English or German accents. Get some friends for this one and you’ll have great fun, even more so with adventure mode coming some point soon!

23 – Minecraft (First Person/Third Person Survival)

For much the same reason as I liked Garry’s Mod, I loved Minecraft. The amount of freedom and possibilities pulled me headfirst into a blocky world that kept me enraptured for months before I finally grew tired.

22 – Garry’s Mod (First Person Anything Game PC)

I feel that I would be lying to not include this on the list. I loved Garry’s Mod and it has the highest play time of any game in my steam library. The beauty of this game was that you could play hundreds of different games within one.

21 – SkyDrift (Racing PC)

By far the best racing game I have ever played. Skydrift is an arcade style racer complete with powerups, speed boosts for dangerous driving and breakneck speeds. Oh, and your flying propeller planes over gorgeous landscapes rife with lava, tight canyons and rock hoops.

20 – Shadow of Rome (Hack and Slash/Stealth PS2)

The stealth sections in this game ruin its chances a bit but the gladiatorial combat in this game has no equal. I have yet to play another game that lets me beat another man to death with his own disembodied arm whilst the crowd cheers me on. Look out for this one on PS2 in charity shops and bargain bins.

19 – Alien Vs Predator Extinction (RTS PS2)

One of the first RTS games I ever played and one with the strangest and probably best faction dynamics. There is something strangely satisfying about seeing a squad of marines die by facehugger ambush. If this game had multi-player and was on PC, it would have ranked much higher.

18 – Army Men RTS (RTS PS2)

The first RTS game I ever played, this all too accurate representation of my army men enthralled me. I wanted so much for my army men to be like they were in the game. The concept was simple but the mechanics were sound, the story was amusing, the characters were idols to my younger self and it was a turning point in gaming for me.

17 – Dino D-Day (FPS/ Third Person Shooter PC)

A weirdly awesome online FPS about what really happened during WWII. Too many AAA titles have glossed over the Nazi-Super science and their Jurassic Reich. The tiny dinosaur with the grenade upon its back and a severe hatred for freedom was enough to warrant this game a place on the list.

16 – Magicka (Isometric RPG PC)

This game is so unique and funny that it had to get a decent place on the list. The multiplayer in Magicka is so hectic and stressful that you die to yourself or your friends much more than you do to any enemy.

15 – Jagged Alliance: Back In Action (RTS/Turn Based Strategy PC)

A stressful ordeal of a game, Jagged Alliance: Back In Action shows exactly how difficult it is being a mercenary company. I’m still no further than I was when I first played this game and yet I can’t stop returning to it. This is a great example of how to do a real time/turn based hybrid tactics game.

14 – Company of Heroes (RTS PC)

I don’t like World War 2, I don’t like military games but I’ll be damned if Company of Heroes isn’t the best RTS I’ve ever played. Everything about this game has aged well and it still stands as one of the best competitive RTS I own.

13 – Super Smash Bros: Brawl (Fighting Game Wii)

The best party game to play with a bunch of very tired and drunk people. This game is the most hectic and most enjoyable fighting game I’ve ever played and has given rise to many variants like “4 player pokemon” and “Turnip Fight” that keep the fun fresh.

12 – Neverwinter Nights (RPG PC)

Before I started playing Dungeons and Dragons, this was my only experience with role playing. At least, roleplaying with a decent narrative. Neverwinter Nights might have been one of the games that taught me how to write and definitely was what taught me to DM.
(Wish I’d had an internet connection to play online when this was popular.)

11 – UFO:Aftershock (RTS/Turn Based Strategy PC)

Much like Jagged Alliance: Back In Action, UFO:Aftershock blends real time and turn based strategy to create scenarios that had my hairs raised and brain racing. Coupled with the most in-depth base editing and squad customisation system I’ve seen in a tactics game, this game had me gripped for three months solid.

10 – Evil Genius (Tycoon PC)

While it can be frustrating to see your minions drop a briefcase full of money in order to go eat. Evil Genius is still one of the best Tycoon games I’ve ever played. Taking the premise of putting the player as a Bond Villain, Evil Genius tasks you with taking over the world with some insane plot. You’ll interrogate maids, you’ll steal the Eiffel tower, you’ll fight off pesky agents and you’ll laugh your ass off.

9 – Mario Party 4 (Party Game Gamecube)

The best of the Mario Party series and the greatest way to lose friends. It took me years to convince my friends to play this and I think they enjoy it. At least, their yells don’t sound too angry. Presenting the players with a virtual gameboard and a plethora of awesome mini-games, Mario Party makes for a great party game. (As you’d expect by the name)

8 – Overlord (Hack and Slash/RTS Xbox 360)

A third person/ real time strategy where you play as a dark lord controlling a horde of various coloured goblins in order to destroy a hilarious parody of middle earth? YES!
I missed two days of school playing this game just to see what the ending would be. Amazing voice acting and hilarious quests made this game what it is. So much so that the sometimes awkward controls can be forgiven.

7 – Age of Mythology (RTS PC)

Specifically the map editor. The main game was great but I spent almost double the time playing with the map editor, making the map and commanding all the pieces gave me a sense of purpose in the setting. It was this tool that made me want to be a games developer, what led me to being the dungeon master in Dungeons and Dragons and gave me an outlet for writing back when I couldn’t bring myself to write.

6 – TimeSplitters Future Perfect (FPS PS2)

Everything about this game was perfect, the story, the characters, the challenges, guns and levels. This was the perfect FPS, at the time. TimeSplitters would have topped my list but unfortunately it has not aged too well.
Though it is still one of the best games I’ve ever played.

5 – Mount and Blade (Action RPG/RTS PC)

A unique blend of third person combat, real time strategy, resource management and questing that I had only previously experienced through crappy flash games on newgrounds? GIVE!
Mount and Blade slipped past me until I came across it by accident and have since logged over a hundred hours and still not became Queen of Calradria.
Mount and Blade taught me to never give up, because every time you fail you can just train in the arena, beat up some bandits AND FEED KING HARLAUS HIS OWN BEARD ON THE END OF A BARDICHE!

4 – X-Com Enemy Unknown (Turn Based Strategy PC)

Bronze medal goes to Firaxis’ X-Com (Incidentally, the Bronze Turd goes to X-Com Declassified). Firaxis made an amazing tactics game with endless strategic depth, a sterling example of a single player mode and a multi-player mode that has given me some of the most intense gaming moments of recent memory.

3 – Team Fortress 2 (FPS PC)

The more I do this list the more I realise I like first person shooters. Team Fortress 2 consumed so much of my limited bandwidth as a young, lonely teenager. The cell-shaded art style and over the top weapons are what made me fall in love with this game, the amazing team based gameplay is just the icing upon the cake…. which is a lie.

2 – Halo 3 (FPS XBOX 360)

Halo 3 is, to me, the best FPS. Its a damn shame no-one will play it with me anymore. The fact this was the only multiplayer game I had for a good year and a half might be why it has such a high place, perhaps some videogame stockholm syndrome…

1 – Dungeon Keeper 2 (Tycoon PC)

The Bullfrog classic, Dungeon Keeper 2 has sat at the top of my list ever since I had a computer that could barely run it. Everything about this game is perfection to me (Though the graphics could use an update). When I found out that Bullfrog went on to make the Harry Potter games instead, I was heartbroken.

Raunchy humour, great amount of freedom and awesome creatures. Dungeon Keeper 2 may keep the spot for years to come.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Who Lives On A Comment Under The Sea!