Recap on Game Design Class

When I first looked at the content for this module I got quite excited to see that we would be learning about elements of game design such as Cognitive Flow, Balancing and the concept of fun. Three elements that are difficult to learn and apparently were too difficult to really discuss as the lectures for these topics were kept to half an hour at most which was disappointing. 

I had hoped that my time in this class would teach me a lot about game design that I didn’t already know or at least have a decent understanding of, but that didn’t happen.

All in all, this class was exactly the same as the one I did in the HNC but this time with a pitch to a panel of publishers. Which unfortunately we have been placed in week 10 because our email apparently never made it through.

So I’m quite disappointed about this class and hope that next trimester will be better.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Who Lives On A Comment Under The Sea!